Marathon Pedometer Club

Our "Marathon" club is held on"Wellness Wednesdays" where the 2nd-3rd-grade students can run-walk to accumulate miles while wearing a pedometer. Students can earn tokens/rewards for milestones achieved along our 26.2 journeys.

We use: 1200 steps= half mile; 2400 steps= one mile.

  • Kindergarten:  Earns a sticker on their picture card for "working out". This includes jogging, jump rope practice, hop-ball, etc. They will learn how to use a pedometer at the end of the year although their steps will not be tallied.

  • 1st Grade:  Uses a paper sheet with 26 stamped "feet" on it. The students will earn a sticker for every half mile (1200 steps) earned and will learn that 2 half-miles (stickers) will equal one mile. (Extra steps are not kept or recorded.)

  • 2nd & 3rd Grades:  Uses a "foot" card with 26-mile markers on it. As every mile is achieved, the corresponding number is punched. Extra steps earned are saved and can be combined with previous steps earned. This helps the students to remember that "every step taken counts toward their journey to better health and fitness"!
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