Grading Rubric

Exceeds Expectations

(3 pts.)

Meets Expectations

(2 pts.)



(1 pts.)


Does Not Meet Expectations

(0 pt.)






·  Fully and actively engaged during the warm-up and all activities

·  consistently exhibits on-task behavior and requires no reminders to stay on task

·  demonstrates a complete understanding of the rules, skills and strategies of the daily activity or game

·  actively engaged during the warm-up and activities most of the time

·  frequently exhibits on-task behavior and requires no more than one reminder to stay on task

·  demonstrates an understanding of most of the rules, skills and strategies of the daily activity or game

·  moderately engaged during the warm-up and activities

·  occasionally exhibits on-task behavior and requires more than one reminder to stay on task

·  demonstrates a limited understanding of the rules, skills, and strategies of the daily activity or game

·  minimal effort and participation exhibited during the warm-up and activities

·  rarely exhibits on-task behavior and requires multiple reminders to stay on task

·  demonstrates minimal understanding of the rules, skills, and strategies of the daily activity or game





·  follows class routines, expectations and directions with zero reminders

·  actively listens during instruction without talking 

· consistently displays respectful behavior toward all classmates

· consistently follows safety rules

· consistently treats equipment with care
· consistently models self-control

·  follows class routines, expectations and directions with no more than one reminder

·  actively listens during instruction without talking
· frequently displays respectful behavior toward classmates
· frequently models self-control
· frequently treats equipment with care
· frequently follows safety rules

·  needs more than one reminder to follow class routines, expectations, and directions

·  frequently talks during instruction
· exhibits some instances of disrespectful behavior toward classmates

·  occasionally follows safety rules
· occasionally treats equipment with care
· occasionally models self-control

·  needs multiple reminders to follow class routines, expectations, and directions

·  consistently displays disruptive behavior
· exhibits a lack of respect for the teacher and/or classmates

·  rarely follows safety rules
· rarely treats equipment with care
· rarely models self-control





·  on time to class and ready to learn
· in the correct spot/order in the attendance line when attendance is being taken.
· signed in on the attendance sheet



· late to class
· not in correct spot/order in the attendance line when attendance is being taken

· did not sign in on the attendance sheet



· Fully prepared with complete PE uniform (shirt and shorts) and gym shoes

· missing PE shirt or shorts

·  missing PE shirt and shorts

*not having proper athletic shoes to participate will result in a zero for the day


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